or centuries men have used tools to embellish their possessions with identifying marks or crests. As the art of creative design developed, these tools were also used to embellish and beautify especially prized items. With the increasing demand for such work, the art of engraving began to flower.
Because arms historically have been visual expressions of their possessors' power, they have been decorated. engraved, and otherwise transformed from mere artifacts into works of art. Over the centuries little has changed. Arms still represent power and they are still frequent objects of decoration. Such embellishment not only enhances their value, it distinguishes individual arms from each other."
Wallace Beinfeld - American Engravers, 1980

ntroducing the Jeff Flannery Engraving Company, a nationally recognized leader in the field of arms decoration. The firm's namesake, Jeff Flannery is a native of Ohio who settled and established his business in rural northern Kentucky, near Cincinnati. Jeff is a graduate of Ohio University and a veteran of the United States Navy Nuclear Submarine Command, Rota, Spain. While at the University he majored in business and studied fine and industrial arts. Jeff's experience in the custom gun craft began in the early 1960's when he studied Kentucky riflemaking and engraving with the famous master, Cecil Brooks, whose works are in the possession of many famous Americans.

lifelong interest in firearms, shooting, and hunting has lead to Jeff's membership in numerous organizations, such as: Single Action Shooter Society (SASS Member #18320, handle 'Blood n Guts'), Life member of the NRA, and Life member of the Ohio Gun Collectors.

he Jeff Flannery Engraving Company specializes in heirloom quality gun and knife work done in their new 800 square foot modern shop. The shop was designed specifically for this purpose and built entirely of steel and reinforced concrete for maximum protection from fire and theft. Equipment of the highest quality is used side by side with custom designed tooling to create works of the finest quality and artistic merit.

n this technological age where hand craftsmanship seems like an impossible dream, and personal customer-oriented service is no more than a corporate buzzword, the Jeff Flannery Engraving Company offers clients a level of hand craftsmanship and personal service rarely found today.